Road to Glory

(Randle Chowning)
The Best, 1981
(originally from 'The "Quilt" Album', 1973)




There's a card game in the courtyard

and the winner loses all

when the judge checks his supper

it's so small


and the hills are grey with trouble

and the dry spring gathers dust

your lover's crying in the valley

she lost your trust



but there is a road to glory

somehow hidden in the past

behind the gold, behind the treasure

behind the mask


then comes a team of four white horses

and a lady with night-black hair

and she looks to be such a fine woman

but is she really there

I've gotta knooooooooow

I've gotta knooooooooow

I've gotta knooooooooooooooooooooooooow.............


Lyrics are copyright 1973, Randle Chowning


Created 22 January 1997
Updated 20 April 1997

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